Ceramic recognises that maintaining high ethical standards is essential to the long-term economic success of the group. Our policies set the standards by which we conduct business and provide the framework for the conduct expected of all employees and all external persons who affiliate themselves with our company. Our policy is intended to meet minimum legal requirements, as well as set out our company values. Ceramic recognises that it requires the strength of the individual to differentiate between right and wrong. We expect all employees and suppliers to demonstrate high levels of integrity, professionalism and performance in their work.
The company undertakes to support and fully comply with all labour and constitutional legislation that governs discrimination and harassment in employment, and expects everyone associated with Ceramic to do the same.
The Italtile Group is committed to honesty, integrity and transparency in all its activities and operations. Accordingly, we subscribe to the Be Heard® reporting service.
Should you be, or become aware, of any behaviour related to the Group which you may consider to be inappropriate, unethical or unlawful you are invited to contact Be Heard® via a range of communication channels. The smartphone app can be downloaded (at no charge) from the two app stores. For reference, the website address is: www.beheard.co.za.
Reports may be made anonymously unless you choose to provide your name and/or contact details, and if you do, these details will remain confidential unless you provide express permission to disclose them.
Should you require any advice or guidance please contact brian@beheard.co.za or linda@beheard.co.za.
The key principles of business conduct which employees and affiliated parties are expected to adhere include:
Compliance with applicable laws.
Business loyalty.
Observance of high ethical standards.
Act in the interests of the company.
The company will protect people and the environment by compliance with local regulations and Ceramic’s standards. This principle is fundamental to our success.
Reporting a violation of Ceramic’s Code of Ethics Policy to the CEO is mandatory. Good-faith reporting will be treated with courtesy and discretion.