We provide outstanding opportunities in a dynamic business environment for people who show a commitment to excellence. We undertake to support our people along their career journeys, and to provide guidance and training through mentoring and leadership development. We train, support, and equip our people to work with the most advanced technology and processes in the world. With eight large factories in operation, we are able to offer our people unique, accelerated career development options and the opportunity to attain their full potential.
Ceramic’s learning and development programmes focus on work-integrated learning. University graduates or students working towards a National Qualification are afforded the opportunity to enhance their job prospects with on-the-job experience and to gain credits towards their qualification.
This includes:
Industry-related artisanship on-the-job training for Millwrights (Electrical and Mechanical);
P1 and P2 Industry-related Engineering Training in the following disciplines: Industrial Engineering; Mechanical Engineering and Ceramic Technology Engineering; and
Internship and Learnership Programmes